About Us

At Designed2last, we believe building a strong, healthy relationship is like building a house.

About Us

Nothing else in life is as important as a healthy, happy, rewarding relationship. At Designed2Last we are making a difference in relationships through our workshops, seminars, and coaching programs. We deliver a long-term systemic change model through our highly acclaimed, emotional literacy and relationship curriculum. We teach singles, couples and divorcees how to fall madly in love with who they are, how to be you unapologetically while building healthy, happy, rewarding, relationships that last a lifetime.

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What We Do

We help singles, couples, and divorcees learn to:

  • Fall madly in love with who they are.

  • Build strong, lasting relationships.

  • Step out of their comfort zones and tap into their passion and purpose.

Participants gain the tools to:

  • Strengthen their self-awareness.

  • Resolve conflicts effectively.

  • Learn the foundation and timeless principles of relationships.

Why Choose Us?

We believe that emotional literacy is the anchor of all relationships, including the relationship you have with yourself. Our motto is simple yet profound:
“Building a Relationship is like Building a House.”

We use the analogy of building a house as a foundation for relationship-building principles:

  • Commitment as the foundation.

  • Expectations as the framing.

  • Communication as the roof.

  • Intimacy as the finishing touches.

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How do I know if I am the problem in my marriage?


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