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People sometimes find it a challenge to balance life. Since many employees experience a personal, professional, and monetary need to achieve, work-life balance becomes challenging. One of the common challenges is trying to balance work and relationships. Both are important but the struggle lies in trying to make them co-exist.
Work-life balance enables employees to feel as if they are paying attention to all of the important aspects of their lives, especially their relationships. The pursuit of work-life balance reduces the stress employees’ experience. An employee who doesn’t make time for self-care eventually damages their work output and productivity. When they spend the majority of their days on work-related activities and feel as if they are neglecting their relationship(s), stress and unhappiness is the result.
Nothing else in life is as important as healthy, happy and rewarding relationships; because our relationships are the anchor of our lives. Designed2last is making a difference balancing work-life relationshi ps through our relationship programs. Our Couples Coaching, Pre-Marital Coaching, and Singles Coaching programs help create balance while transforming relationships into Lifelong Commitments. Not sure about coaching then try our Introductory Coaching program that is designed for those who want to test drive a coaching experience.
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Coaching Programs
Couples Coaching
Pre-Marital Coaching
Singles Coaching
Introductory Coaching Program
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Individual Rates
$899 per Couple
$699 per Couple
$499 per Couple
$127 per Couple or Single
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Group Rates
$4000 per 6 Employees
$4000 per 10 Employees
Employees can select one program from the Coaching Programs (Couples, Pre-marital, or Singles) based on their individual need or preference. Spouses, partners, or mates can participate in both the Coaching Programs and the Introductory Program for free. Contact Kim R. Grimes to schedule a free consultation and to reserve slots for your employees.
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