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People sometimes find it a challenge to balance life. Since many employees experience a personal, professional, and monetary need to achieve, work-life balance becomes challenging. One of the common challenges is trying to balance work and relationships. Both are important but the struggle lies in trying to make them co-exist.

Work-life balance enables employees to feel as if they are paying attention to all of the important aspects of their lives, especially their relationships. The pursuit of work-life balance reduces the stress employees’ experience. An employee who doesn’t make time for self-care eventually damages their work output and productivity. When they spend the majority of their days on work-related activities and feel as if they are neglecting their relationship(s), stress and unhappiness is the result.

Nothing else in life is as important as healthy, happy and rewarding relationships; because our relationships are the anchor of our lives. Designed2last is making a difference balancing work-life relationships through our relationship programs. Our Couples Coaching, Pre-Marital Coaching, and Singles Coaching programs help create balance while transforming relationships into Lifelong Commitments.

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                                                                          Retail Cost                                      Individual                                            Group Rates

  Coaching Programs                                     $10,800                                                                                                                 $4,000

      Couples Coaching                                                                                         $899 per Couple                                    Per 6 Employees

      Pre-Marital Coaching                                                                                   $699 per Couple

      Singles Coaching                                                                                           $499 per Couple

Employees can select one program from the  Coaching Programs (Couples, Pre-marital, or Singles) based on their individual need or preference and can bring along spouses, partners, or mates for FREE!!!!!!!


Retail Cost $10,800

Actual Cost: $4,000

Per 6 Employees

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P. O. Box 2006, Newport News, Virginia 23609 757-243-2698 Office

www.Designed2Last.com support@Designed2Last.com
